Funeral Flower Arrangements

Funeral arrangements in Bogotá, Colombia, are part of the tradition, to accompany the deceased to his final resting place. See Funeral Arrangements below.

Funeral homes in Bogotá that are close to the JM Florist

+ We are 5 minutes from Capillas de la Fé - Funeraria Norte Calle 154 with Kra 19 (Santa María Magdalena);
+ 5 minutes from Capillas de la Fé, in front of San Juan de Ávila / Casa Funeraria del Norte, Calle 136 with Kra 17A;
+ 15 minutes from the Gaviria, Candelaria and Cristo Rey Funeral Homes on 98th Street with Kra 18
+ There are also, less than half an hour away, the Gaviria Funeral Home on Av. Suba with 128A and Capillas de la Fé on Calle 68 with Kr 39.
As in-person attendance at Funeral Homes is difficult during COVID, the best alternative is to send a Funeral Arrangement.

What Funeral Arrangements are available for delivery in Bogotá?

There are two alternatives: Funeral Wreaths and Drawer Covers or Arrangements that are placed on the floor

What do the Funeral Wreaths sent by JM Florist include?

All Funeral Wreaths Funeral Wreaths Bogota Colombia Funeral Homes that JM Florist sends to Funeral Homes in Bogotá include the Tripod (so that they are impressively displayed); the Marked Tape, with the name of the sender or that of his company; and, if you wish, a card printed with the message of sympathy. All these additional accessories are FREE.

We also have Funeral Drawer Covers.

What Should I Keep in Mind When Sending a Funeral?

1 - When sending Funeral Floral Arrangements to Vigil Rooms at funerals, take into account the type of personality that the deceased had. You can send flowers in bright colors if the deceased was happy, young and easy-going, or pale colors or white if the deceased was traditional or older.
2 - Also Write the Name of the Deceased and the Number of the Vigil Room (when ordering), since the vigil rooms are separated in the name of the deceased and not of the relatives. This will help make it easier to deliver.
3 - Find out the Funeral Time, because at that time they will no longer be able to deliver your funeral at the funeral home.
Condolences in the Event of a Jewish Funeral

When Offering Condolences it is important to take Religious Customs into account.
For example, in the case of the Jews, the families of the deceased "Keep Shiva" which is equivalent to saying "Save Mourning" and which corresponds to a mourning period of seven days (in Hebrew "shiva" means seven).
Send Shiva Gifts
During Shiva, the mourners, who are usually the closest relatives, are prohibited from going about their daily activities, including preparing their meals.

What Gifts to Send in Shiva, in Bogotá?

Before sending your gift find out not only where shiva is celebrated but confirm that it arrives within seven days. Therefore, it is appropriate to give away food, such as fruits, nuts, chocolates, meats, fish and special salads. The idea is to provide nourishment and energy to the mourners.

Give Alcoholic Beverages, Fruits, and/or Food in Condolences?

Although it is true, in Bogotá it is not customary to make this type of gift, in other religions, ethnic groups, or latitudes, it is very common to give this type of present as condolences to families.
And Bogotá is already a multi-racial city where people from other lands can die.
That is why we offer this type of gift in our portfolio.

Where do you deliver Funeral Bouquets?

Anywhere* in Bogotá, including Chapinero, in the North, Center or South of the city (*restrictions apply).

What are the funeral prices?

We have affordable Funeral Arrangements, starting at $69,900 (USD$24). Look below for prices, descriptions, availability, photos, dimensions and customer reviews.

What is the difference between VELACION and EXEQUIAS, in Bogotá?

+ La Velación: family event, in the room of a funeral home, where those close to the deceased meet, to talk and say their last goodbye. It lasts several hours, including one night, to give the opportunity for several people to pass through. It is the opportunity to send your funeral arrangement.
+ Las Exequias: religious event, in a church, where the priest officiates the mass, on behalf of the deceased, they sing and pray to him. The funeral takes place after the vigil at the Bogotá funeral home and usually lasts less than an hour. If you are going to send a funeral, confirm what time the funeral will be, because it will be the maximum time for it to arrive.

How do I Order the Funeral to send to a Funeral Home in Bogotá?

The process is simple and you can do it online.
+ Choose the undertaker.
+ Choose the date and delivery area (North, Center or South of Bogotá)
+ Add it to the cart, fill in the delivery information, putting the name of the deceased as the person receiving it, and pay.

We will inform your email when we receive the order, when we print the message, when we dispatch the funeral and when we deliver it. You will be aware all the time.

COP$119.900 (Including tax) COP$199.900

Only 4 in Stock. Order Soon!

Earliest Delivery: Today Paying Before 12M
COP$109.900 (Including tax) COP$166.900

In Stock

Earliest Delivery: Today Paying Before 12M
COP$189.900 (Including tax) COP$249.900

Only 1 in Stock. Order Soon!

Earliest Delivery: Today Paying Before 12M
COP$209.900 (Including tax) COP$299.900

Only 1 in Stock. Order Soon!

Earliest Delivery: Today Paying Before 12M
COP$89.165 (Including tax) COP$104.900

Only 1 in Stock. Order Soon!

Earliest Delivery: Today Paying Before 12M
COP$189.900 (Including tax) COP$237.375

Only 4 in Stock. Order Soon!

Earliest Delivery: Today Paying Before 12M
COP$199.920 (Including tax) COP$249.900

In Stock

Earliest Delivery: Tomorrow
COP$139.950 (Including tax) COP$279.900

In Stock

Earliest Delivery: Monday 24 Feb
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